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Genesis3D with eclipse

Posted: 2019-08-07 17:59:50
by Drakon
Do you know a way to get Genesis3D work with eclipse on Windows? I only got it work with Borland 6.

Re: Genesis3D with eclipse

Posted: 2019-08-11 13:55:30
by technodisco
How did you get it to work with Borland 6? That's interesting. Do you mind making a tutorial on that here? We definitely need more of them. I'm still having trouble to get it to compile on VS2017!

Re: Genesis3D with eclipse

Posted: 2019-11-27 16:48:01
by Drakon
I would like to create a tutorial. I followed the instructions in a book from a German author that I would like to present here. However, I can only provide the information I have from the book. If you need explanations on details, I can't provide them. And I will need time. Please be patient. Please note that my solution only works with 32-bit operating systems.