[WIP] TrenchBroom - New editor for Genesis3D
TrenchBroom is a modern cross-platform level editor for Quake-engine based games. Its main feature is that you can work everything inside the 3D view instead of the typical 4 views panels like in GEdit, Worldcraft/Valve Hammer Editor, etc.
What I have done are the next tools:
- GBSPTools (build and light your map for the Genesis3D Engine)
- q2togbsp (converts a Quake 1/2 .map to GBSP binary map format.)
What I have now is pretty basic. Try out the editor, try to build stuff that you would not be able to do in GEdit, etc.
Well I hope this gives a glimpse of life to Genesis3D.
☰ To do
- ☐ Add the next fields in Face tab:
- ☒ Light intensity (Already implemented by Trenchbroom with the name of Value)
- ☐ Transparency (byte : 0 to 255)
- ☐ Reflectivity scale (float : 1.0 by default)
- ☐ Lightmap Scale (float : 1.0 by default)
- ☐ Mipmap Bias (Not implemented in G3D)
- ☐ Limit selection of brush content flags. For the moment the user has to manage this with caution.
- Example 1: if you turn on the Empty flag, Area flag gets disabled and can't be modified.
- Example 2: if you turn on the Window flag, Detail flag gets enabled and can't be modified.
- ☐ Make the .map exporter to write even the default keyvalues for some entities.
- ☐ Add support for 'Models' (Built in keyframe system to animate world geometry).
- ☐ Load textures from .txl files.
- ☐ Display 3D .ACT models in the editor.

☉ Installation
- Download the .zip and extract the folders Genesis3D and TrenchBroom in hard drive C.
- Go inside the folder TrenchBroom and open trenchbroom.exe.
- Press New map... then the window Select game will pop up.
- Press Open preferences..., select Genesis3D and where it says Game path you put inside C:/Genesis3D/v120 then you press OK.
- Now you are ready to use TrenchBroom. Go back to Select game window, select Genesis3D and press OK.
- To compile the map, go to Run->Compile Map.
- Choose one of the tasks (Fast, Full, etc.) and press Compile.
- Once the map is done compiling, press Launch... to run the level.
- Because .TXL texture packs can't be load in TrenchBroom for now, you need to extract the textures and put them inside of C:/Genesis3D/v120/textures. The supported formats are BMP, PNG, JPG and TGA.
- I have included two example maps in C:/TrenchBroom/games/Genesis3D/test_maps/ so you can test the light styles and some brush flags.
- For now only DeathMatchStart and Light entities are availables (I hardcoded the entity defs). In the next version you will be able to add more.